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Shortness of breath, heart palpitations Page 3 of 5

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The remedy I can find in 1M is Carcinosin Co. is this the correct remedy? Carsinocin Tinus Smit. (alternative name)
bohomama4 last decade
Look at the link I gave to you above. That is available in 1M.
sameervermani last decade
I have the 1M remedy. I have felt level this week. I had a big work day again Saturday and am exhausted. Some sciatic pain on right leg again last week. Seems to be good right now.
bohomama4 last decade
Hmm.. and how do you feel mentally ?

What is the status on shortness of breath and palpitations ?
sameervermani last decade
Mentally I am still frustrated at being tired - not very happy. I probably need to take time to be creative but I have a ton of other things that need to get done. Hard to feel happy when I feel so overwhelmed with life because I don't have the needed energy. I have had some what I call heart weakness this week. I haven't had it since I started the remedy. If I try to run when I am weak I get tingly in my face (like there isn't enough blood). It feels like my heart wobbles. I feel extremely tired and have to lie down but don't sleep well - easily startled - and my heart jumps.
bohomama4 last decade
I am not having the shortness of breath. I have the most energy at night. I can't sleep tonight - 11:30 p.m. even though I was exhausted all day.
bohomama4 last decade
I should add the positives are still here - I am not craving sweets - even dislike dark chocolate. I don't drink nearly as much water. I go some nights without waking to use the bathroom. Not holding water weight - feel slim. Have a schedule with my kids and am keeping on top of it to the best of my physical ability. Feel peaceful and methodical when approaching a task instead of panic and overwhelm. Heart symptoms are worst in morning and early afternoon.
bohomama4 last decade
It would be good to summarize all the current symptoms in the form of a list (add as many as possible).
sameervermani last decade
Dry Psoriasis on elbows and knees
Low Energy
Weak Heart feelings - easily startled to sounds.
Confused/Sad in my relationship or lack of relationship with my Dad he ignores me when I see him and I am confused.
Sore pimple that doesn't want to heal in nostril.
Brittle thin finger nails.
Difficulty digesting fats. Love being outdoors.
Sciatic pain down right leg - possibly triggered by sugar.
Too tired to feel happy or much of any emotion.
More energetic in evenings

Any questions for me?
bohomama4 last decade
Tongue looks pretty good to me. Slightly thick, good color, small scallops (smallest I think I have ever seen on me). It is a bit shaky and the tip has small red dots.
bohomama4 last decade
What do you mean 'tongue is shaky' ? Please elaborate.
sameervermani last decade
When I stick my tongue out to look at it has some uncontrollable shaking. If it is completely relaxed it is still - with some tension from extending it - then I have shakes in the front third or so.
bohomama4 last decade
Maybe that's normal? I don't think I always have those shakes. My eyes seem dry too. Just ask if there is anything that may help you. Or do I just need rest and be happy with what I have! Or an acupuncture appointment?
bohomama4 last decade
Hmm.. , please answer the following questions:

Are you able to wear tight clothing or high neck clothes?

Do you ever have exceptional loquacity marked by a rapid change of subject; i.e. jumping abruptly from one idea to another ?

Do you use your tongue in a very refined but cynical and critical way ? As if you have an intuition about the weakness of others and hence an ability to hurt them with precise sarcastic words ?

Are you intense and passionate ?

How do you feel about restrictions in general ?

Any feelings of jealousy or suspicion ?
sameervermani last decade
I do not like clothing that isn't stretchy for my upper body. I feel restricted, distracted and a bit panic. High neck is ok.
I have times of being very talkative and my mouth doesn't keep up and jump from subject to subject. Not sure if I have had this since taking the remedy.
I am refined in my choice of words - I get asked how to present ideas to others. I am very intuitive but do not speak sarcastic or hurtful words to others. I may express what I think to my husband but not to other people.
Yes I am intense and passionate - what I do, I do well. I don't know how to not do my best.
I hate restrictions - especially physical.
I am not a jealous or suspicious person.
bohomama4 last decade
Overall since we started treatment, what are the things that have improved ?

Also, anything which has worsened ?
sameervermani last decade
Overall I feel calm, peaceful and methodical inside. My hormone triggered headaches seem to be possibly stopping (not a long enough time to know for sure). I don't need as much water and don't have strong food cravings. Being around people doesn't exhaust me as it use to. Not as much of a home body. I haven't had the intense creative ideas flying through my mind and keeping me up or distracting me from life. I think my dad is more on my mind since I started treatment. I have let go of alot of anger and hurt in regards to him. I am not sure where to go in my relationship or lack of relationship with him. Lung coordination/shortness of breath is currently gone - that is great. I am making time to show love to my kids and feeling it. The tiredness has been worse since the last dose. The heart weakness/startling is new this week. I hadn't had it during treatment.
bohomama4 last decade
Okay, then for sure, we dont have to switch remedies yet :)

Let us wait for 1 more week, and please report back at that time.
sameervermani last decade
Could you explain what you are thinking? I am curious. Do you think the fatigue is here for much longer? Anything I can do to facilitate change?
bohomama4 last decade
Well, quite a few mental improvements happened.

Fatigue came, but when that is accompanied by mental improvements, that means direction of cure is correct, as the disease moved from mental to physical levels.

Mental plane is the most important , physical plane is less important, and hence vital force moves maladies in that direction.

As long as direction is correct, we can be sure, things are moving according to plan.
sameervermani last decade
I couldn't sleep again and my heart actually hurt. I got up and wrote a letter to my dad I suspected I needed to write. I told him all of my feelings and I am not hinging it on a response. I had hot flashes last night and awoke with energy and peace and calm. Cried alot. Anxious to see where this leads. I started to feel the heart problem was my feelings towards my dad.
bohomama4 last decade
I feel light and excited for life. I had a bowel movement that smelled like burnt matches (sulpher) hhmm strange. I am excited to see where this leads.
bohomama4 last decade
Good signs. Just wait and watch.
sameervermani last decade
I am feeling excellent. I didn't even need recovery time after my big work day on Saturday. I had a few days of feeling scared that my dad would show up and do something unpredictable and scary. I have reason for feeling this way from things in the past. I didn't realize I was actually scared of him. I think I am over it and feeling happy, energetic, decluttering like crazy, I have energy all day and even have a hard time going to bed because I have so much energy. Not very focused - kinda going from one thing to another, to another but getting alot done. I have felt like this in the past but it never lasted. Hope it lasts!!!
bohomama4 last decade
Excellent, keep on waiting.
sameervermani last decade
Now I am not doing well. I want to go back to how I was feeling last week! I have a nervous, distracted feeling and difficulty coordinating breathing. I am claustrophobic around people. It feels like they are using up the air and there isn't enough for me. If a room is hot and stuffy I can't stand it. I am not patient right now becuase I feel so on edge with just being able to breath and I can't focus on much because of feeling nervous - however I don't know what I am nervous about.
bohomama4 last decade

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