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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Dr. Sameer, help for my husband, depression, lacking stamina... Page 2 of 3

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Yesterday my husband told me that he wasn't feeling as good as he had been. Today he's full blown back to his old self; miserable, unmotivated and not the nicest person.

I had ordered the sulphur 200c from a local store and I called them today and they never put the order in. It seems that they wait until they accumulate a certain amount of orders before they do put it in...makes sense. So I'm going to order from the internet today.
anabanana last decade
Give the 200c dose as soon as it arrives, just a single dose, 1 teaspoon.
sameervermani last decade
I'm still waiting on the remedy. The place I ordered from online said it's in 'backorder,' so not sure how long. Maybe a week or so.

Thank you.
anabanana last decade
My husband took Sulphur 200c tonight (Friday, August 14); just wanted to update.

anabanana last decade
Good to know :)
sameervermani last decade
He's been getting skin breakouts and itching, feeling tired and fatigued, but I notice a bit of a difference in his attitude...when he does get angry it's not as long-lasting and he's getting angry less, more playful.

I think the difference the first time around was way more noticeable.
anabanana last decade
It will improve with further.

Keep waiting. It is too soon, as a 200c will act for a long time.
sameervermani last decade
How is he doing now ?
sameervermani last decade
There was no notable difference. He did get aggravations, as I mentioned, but no improvement otherwise.

My husband brushes his teeth with regular minty toothpaste, would that affect the outcome?

Can we try again if I get him some other toothpaste...not sure what to get; he's so fussy about toothpaste.
anabanana last decade
What about things on the mental plane ? Are we back to where we started before Sulphur ?
sameervermani last decade
I'd say yes. That's what I meant, mentally no improvement and no change.

Although I think there was some very slight permanent improvement from the very first dose. Something about him just seems milder, like he doesn't stay angry as long...but that hasn't changed for a while sinc ethe very first dose.
anabanana last decade
Sorry it's taken me so long to respond, by the way, but I haven't been online much lately and keep forgetting to check in.

Thanks so much for your help!
anabanana last decade
Just bumping this, not sure if you saw that I did reply!

Thanks! : )
anabanana last decade
Okay can you please tell what is his mood like when he wakes up in the morning ?

What are his food cravings if any ?

How easily does he forgive ?

Any complaints of orifices e.g. mouth ulcers, hemorrhoid, cracked skin at corners of mouth, nose etc... ?
sameervermani last decade
Okay can you please tell what is his mood like when he wakes up in the morning ?

He wakes very early and always before me, but it usually depends on what is going on. If I happen to be up and about making breakfast then he's happy as can be. When he gets up for work he's in get-it-done mode. He does what he needs to do and doesn't think about it much. On Sundays he wakes with our son and takes him out to eat breakfast...so I think he's pretty pleasant in the morning.

What are his food cravings if any ?

He doesn't really get any. HOwever, he mostly likes foods like eggs, refried beans, tortillas, rice (He's weird about this, dinner must have rice involved), deli meats, chicken, red meat, and seafood. It is RARE that he will want something sweet or even fruits. I think the one thing he does crave a lot, however, is soft drinks, like Coke & Sunkist. He doesn't drink many, but at least one per day.

How easily does he forgive ?

I don't even know how to answer this since he's so closed up about his feelings. I think he holds a lot of resentment and grudges, but won't speak about things.

I think in his mind, logically, he does forgive, but all the things that go along with forgiving he's not so great about. I think this because he's the type that will throw stuff back in your face or bring it up when you thought it was long since buried!

He is extremely judgemental, but will keep it to himself, but that will also resurface when you least expect it.

You know what? I'm going to go with that he DOESN'T forgive easily. : )

Any complaints of orifices e.g. mouth ulcers, hemorrhoid, cracked skin at corners of mouth, nose etc... ?

Nope! None that I can think of.
anabanana last decade
Hi Ana,

Any feelings of jealousy or suspicion ?
sameervermani last decade
None that I can tell. If he has any he keeps them very hidden.

I'm going to ask him after work and see what he says, hopefully he can be honest since he's been pretty good about all this.
anabanana last decade
I asked him directly these questions and his responses were different than mine. Like I said, he keeps everything inside so it's hard to tell, but he's being very honest for this purpose. : )

Okay can you please tell what is his mood like when he wakes up in the morning ?

Miserable and unrested since he doesn't sleep well. The snoring doesn't let him sleep.

What are his food cravings if any ?

Grains; rice & beans.

How easily does he forgive ?

Not easily at all.

Any complaints of orifices e.g. mouth ulcers, hemorrhoid, cracked skin at corners of mouth, nose etc... ?


As far as jealousy, he is VERY jealous. Not suspicious, though.

Thanks! : )
anabanana last decade

When does he get the cramps and which part of body ? What aggravates them, what ameliorates them ?

Has he been diagnosed of sleep apnea ? What are his symptoms ?

Talk about the cracked skin on his hands a bit more ?

So, why do you think he doesn't like to see you sick ? Is there an aversion to responsibility ?
sameervermani last decade

When does he get the cramps and which part of body ? What aggravates them, what ameliorates them ?

***He will mostly get them on his legs; thighs & calves, but also on his back, sometimes. I think they are from severe salt loss when he works (in very hot weather for long hours). You can often see white salt accumulated on his skin. He drinks large amounts of water/fluids, but this doesn't help. His brother, long ago, gave him some sodium pills that helped him.

Has he been diagnosed of sleep apnea ? What are his symptoms ?

***I'd say he has some sleep apnea, from what little I know about it. HE has never been diagnosed. He snores SO loudly that it wakes me and he does this all night. About 5 years ago he would only do it for a while after falling asleep and it was very easy to move him to his side and he'd stop...for a while. A couple years ago he would do it up to about 5 hours after falling asleep. NOw it's all night, or until about 5 or 6 am and it's very difficult to get him to turn to his side sometimes and even this doesn't help much anymore. All it does is aim the snores in a different direction. OH, about the apnea...sometimes he will stop breathing and catch his breath with a loud snore, but sometimes it's more like something in his throat doesn't allow him to suck in the air...not sure.

Talk about the cracked skin on his hands a bit more ?

***It's a lot around the fingertips. He will get tiny painful cracks that will open up, or just very dry and rough skin. HE usually puts cream on for this and it helps. HE does work with his hands in construction and does a lot of metal forming.

So, why do you think he doesn't like to see you sick ? Is there an aversion to responsibility ?

***I Don't blame him for this, I'd be tired of it, too.

It all began right in the begining of our relationship...it's like he's never seen me healthy, but for a short couple months. It all began with a miscarriage (blighted ovum) that lasted months for my body to fully expel. Then a very difficult pregnancy right afterwards. ONce the preg was over we thought we'd get a break, but it's always something with me (difficult birth, outrageous amount of weight gain, physical pain all the time, body weakness, fatigue, etc). HE doesn't understand I'm tired and that my limits aren't the same as his, he just thinks it's laziness. HE says that it's impossible that I can feel sick all of the time.

I think he feels disgust toward me, sometimes. Not because I'm overweight, but because of my health and because he thinks I should do and be able to do more; he sees this as weakness of character.

He is extremely responsible. In fact, I think a lot of his issues with me are because he thinks that I'm irresponsible with certain things...like I will forget to pay the bills or to run some errand. I think he does wish he could be freed from responsibilities, though. NOt that he could get rid of us or anything like that, but that he had less responsibility on his shoulders.
anabanana last decade
I thought some more about an aversion to responsibility last night and I think he does have one.

He's great about going to work, but when it comes to other things i really have to bug him. Like spending 'quality,' time with our son. He'd just rather zone out in front of the TV then spend any time playing with him, taking him out, or even reading to him. He'd also rather my son watch TV and not bug him to play. It's a pain to get him to go out with us as a family. Even though I feel horrible, I still can't stand for my son to be stuck at home, but this doesn't phase my husband. The ONLY thing he does with him is when he takes him out Sunday mornings to get breakfast...anything else is like prying nails!

His only responsibility before us was working and the rest he had a choice over. I think he's having a tough time with all the family stuff or anything outside of work. I've been asking him to paint our apartment for the past 5 years and still nothing...
anabanana last decade
There are three remedies coming up, Lycopodium, Medorrhinum and Lachesis.

Please talk more about his anger episodes. Let us try to differentiate further.
sameervermani last decade
I forgot to mention, I think, his eyes aren't clear. They are usually blood shot and yellowish. They aren't bright at all. They are tired and burning a lot.

His tongue has deep cracks in it.

He had malaria (sp?) a couple times as a child.

Okay, about his anger...He gets angry over the stupidest things. Like if someone opens up a soda and they don't drink it but leave it out of the fridge (My mother is famous for doing this with several drinks at a time!). If I ever leave any peels (like from mango, orange, etc) in the sink and don't throw it out right away he has a fit. He once went off about the little light on my mother's hair dryer (LOL!). The little light stays on when it's plugged in, but not on. Our TV is running 24/7, all the lights blaring, A/C full blast and he goes off about this little light and how it uses up electricity!

Now I don't think it's stupid to get upset over these things, but it's how very angry he gets and how long it lasts.

If we're out, it is a given that we will return home upset because he will bring something up...like differences in how we raise our son, or something completely unrelated to what we were talking about. All it takes is me telling him the tiniest thing...like 'Hey, why did you put the baby's juice in the trunk, we need it for the ride.' That's all he needs to light his fuse. He will go off about how he doesn't want to drink, but just play and spill it and how I let him, etc. This can be true sometimes, but I assure you that when he complains about it it hasn't happened in a while.

The strangest thing about when he gets angry is that he will not answer me. If I'm telling him how irrational he's being or asking him why he's angry, he will 100% ignore me. It's like I'm talking to a wall.

He gets very upset when I make him go shopping with us, as does our son, it's like they feed off eachother's negative energy. So we just don't do that anymore.

He gets upset at how difficult of a child our son is and blames me for it because I don't allow spanking or harsh discipline.

He mostly gets mad at his brother, who is also his boss, and takes it out on us when he gets home by just being miserable and wanting to escape away by watching TV.

I guess, to sum it up, he holds in his anger and it emerges later on, at inappropriate times, and little meaningless things sets it off.
anabanana last decade
Hmm..and when he gets mad at his brother (who is his boss), he does not express it to his brother ?
sameervermani last decade
And, does he have any tendency towards boasting about his achievements in front of other people ?
sameervermani last decade
Hmm..and when he gets mad at his brother (who is his boss), he does not express it to his brother ?

***Never! He does the same thing he does to me, ignores. (It drives us all nuts! LOL) When we first met he was not on talking terms with his brother. He had quit working with him and didn't talk to him for about a year. The only reason he began to talk to him again was because of the birth of his niece, when he went to visit it opened a door.

One time he was mad at me for a couple days and he neglected to tell me that his nephew had been born and didn't tell me for like a week. He does stuff like that all the time, excludes people if he is upset with them. Even after he made up with his brother he never told him I was pregnant (the time I miscarried) adn with our son they found out when I was about 21 weeks along.

His brother will do very hurtful things to him, though. Like when our son had the surgery to remove that little blister in his mouth his brother wouldn't give him the day off, he wouldn't pay him the sick day because it wasn't HIM that was sick and he couldn't understand why my husband needed to be there for the surgery. So then my husband gets in a bad mood with me. He still took off of work, but didn't get paid. Same thing for the birth of our son, no paid time off, except for the very day he was born. He doesn't tell me these things, either, so I'm usually in the dark. I only find out through his sister-in-law.

And, does he have any tendency towards boasting about his achievements in front of other people ?

***Not at all! He is extremely humble and shy to a fault.
anabanana last decade

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