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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hats off to Dr. Deoshlok Magic !!!!!!!!!

About a month back I asked remedies for two poor girls of 15 and 12 years age.

The problem could not be solved by great physicians and surgeons of allopathy.

The first girl was Ok till the age of 8 and started developing difficulties in walking and lost control in urination. As a result, she was sent off from school and even at home, a lot of problems popped up. Neighbours asked the poor parents to vacate, because of the mess created by the elder. She was taking 15 minutes to get down or get up a chair.

I did not give much of information other than what has been given above. Dr Deoshlok prescribed BC 30 and Calc Hypophos 3x.

Presently urine control has been gained and strengths of legs are steadily improving.
All credit goes to Dr Deoshlok. A treatment, which could not be obtained even paying big money, has been offered free, thanks to ABCFORUM.

Dr Deoshlok, thank you a million times.

Would you like to offer any more suggestions or modifications of your prescription?

The girls are not known to me or not even seen by me. I just tried only to help them through my friend.
  kns_3 on 2009-04-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
pls can I know the detail of address of patient for further research work..
dr. deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
It is really commendable to treat successfully a case of muscular dystrophy. Could you please share with the forum the composition of bc-30.
thanks and regards.
kadwa last decade
good work , simple and much effective; welldone
sorahamsha last decade
Respected Dr Deoshlok,

I just know that the patients are at Coimbatore. The case came to me through my engineer friend Mr Kadalamutham in Chennai. I shall talk to him and post the address of the patients, rather their parents.

Dear kadwa,

BC-30 is not bio-combination 30. It is Bartya carbonica 30c. The details of my letter and deoslok's reply are availble in the forum itself. You can search kns_3 and find out the full details of his prescription and the patients details. Usually bartya carbonica is supposed to be a slow and dull remedy without much of effect. I am not writing it on my own experience. In this forum, one Dr Organon has written this. But in my experience, it can even be life saving.

My brother was bedridden and could not even get out of bed for more than 4 months. He could not even sit. One dose of BC CM, made him sit and then in about a month, move, walk etc.. This was prescribed by girilal during 2006. The allopathy doctors said, in 2006, that his days are numbered. They did not expect him to see 2007, but in 2009, this year, he is doing well, though not able to walk. He is 68 years old.

Again it is Dr Deoshlok's contribution. He suggested ars 30c and serum Anguillae 30c and we are able to control his kidney parameters of ser. creatinine and blood urea effectively with these remedies along with urinary infection, because of catheter.

I once again thank Dr Deoshlok for all his help.
kns_3 last decade

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