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3 yr old sensitive to touch + irritable + tummy

My 3 yr old daughter has been sensitive to most touch (especially picking her up, or dressing/undressing) for a week now. She keeps saying 'ow, ow, ow' even when she does not seem to be doing anything painful. Her appetite is not what it usually is and her BM is soft, and quite stinky. She cries easily and other times she gets angry quickly. According to her Pediatrician she may have coxsackie virus. She has one red spot (1cm diameter) on her foot between toes that is a bit raised and hot.
  caronl on 2009-02-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
what ills she have prior this ow ow ow thing?what going on arond prior to this startng? what skin health history?loactions?how treated?
John Stanton last decade

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