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Kamal Laboratories Naph Kid drops

I found a homeopathic remedy that has been working very well for me for a chronic bladder problem. I bought it in Pakistan, while I was living there. I can not find it here in the US and I also can't find anything with similar ingredients. Is it possible to buy Kamal products here? If not, is it possible to get the same 'recipe'? All I can find is each separate ingredient, with different strengths than what I have from Kamal.

Thank you.
  Caryatid on 2008-11-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You can get it import through Kamal Lab. or through courier DHL service.

Any how, give your symptoms here for proper advice.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Do you have an address for Kamal Labs? I have not been able to find them on the internet.

I had a bladder infection for 18 months beginning four years ago. Druing that time I tried various antibiotics, but was living in a war-torn country with no access to a medical lab, so no test for the type of infection. The antibiotics either did not work or I had bad reactions to them. After 18 months I was med-evac'd and properly tested and given an anti-biotic ever day for an entire year. During that year I had no bladder problems at all though the medicine caused tendon pain.

Nearly two years ago I finished the antibiotics, but within a couple of months the bladder infection returned. By then I was in Pakistan where I could get good testing. I took antibiotics again, but only short term, and citro-soda and cranberry, but a little while after I stopped the anti-biotics, symtoms returned though they did not always show up in lab tests. That is when I got this Naph-kid from Kamal. It was like a charm. It has been nearly two years sine I started using it and I have not had any serious problems. When I stop using it the problems come back though lots of cranberry and drinking a lot of water all the time help ALMOST all the time. I also get into trouble if I just use the Naph Kid formula and don't take cranberry.

Symptoms are pain in the bladder and difficulty sometimes controlling urination; that is I wet my pants just before I manage to get to the toilet. When the problem begins (but I don't yet have pain) my urine smells like toasted oats, when it gets worse (and I do have pain) it smells bad, like urine which has been left at room temperature for a few hours and gotten smelly.

I am 43 years old, female, 178cm tall, and 73kg. I am a fairly high energy person. When I am anxious about something I wake up at 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning and stay awake until just before dawn. I like salty foods. I get cold easily and have very cold hands and feet all winter (and in the airconditioning all summer too).

The drops I have been using have these ingredients:

Asparagus 2x
Belladona 3x
Berb Vulg 2x
Cantharis 2x
Calc Carb 8x
Hydrangea 3x

Thank you.
Caryatid last decade
Dear patient,
I suggest you an other subsitute of Kamal's product. Hopefuly it will help you out.
Please try M-27 Juniperus ( a product of Madaus & Company Germany)

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Thank you Dr. Mahfooz.

Like the Kamal Labs product, I don't know how to get this in the US. The Kamal stuff was removed from my DHL shipment coming into the US. DHL didn't have any objection to sending it, but it did not arrive.

Is the German product in solid form or suspended in alchohol? Maybe that was the problem in shipping; the alchohol.
Caryatid last decade
I think this product like Schewbe and reckweg will be available in usa or any other country. The german product can be procured from other country also.
It is in liquid form and alcholic.

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Thank you for the advice.

I called a homeopath here in the US and have made an appointment. She did not feel that I should be taking a combination remedy, nor that I should be taking it long term.

We'll see how it does.

Thank you again for your kind advice.
Caryatid last decade
Dear Caryatid!

Please note the email address of Kamal LAboratories, which is;

kamallab at comsats.net.pk

and their mailing address is;

Kamal Laboratories,
11 Shami Road, Civil lines,
Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

Ph: +92 51 111 00 1967,
Cell: +92 300 5008464,


Asadq last decade

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