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Pregnant, nauseated and anxious! 1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Pregnant and anxious

I am pregnant and just entered my second trimester. I had a nagging cold with a painful throat for the past ten days which I tried to treat with Hepar Sulp 200 but without much improvement. Then I switched to Merc Sol 1M and had taken 3 doses in total since the last 2 days. But now I am concerned about its affects on my unborn baby? can anyone tell me how much risk I am at?? Any information would be highly appreciated.
An anxious mom to be.
  Manjula on 2004-11-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
No risk, but why and how are you treating yourself?? Do you have a materia medica??

Look up tonsilitis and see remedies under that listing.

Talk to us and see if we can help.

Don't let names of remedies alarm you. ANY substance made up homeopathically is not poisonous, even if the original substance was. Be at peace.

Phytolacca has a very red throat swollen glands. The Merc V. has hoarsness. Gelsemium has "go to bed and sleep" symptoms.

Belladonna has fever with red cheeks, dryness. Hepar Sulph is a chilly person with green mucus. kali bi is for colds with very stringy difficult mucus.

Dulcamara is for fall and spring colds that are persistant, annoying, everytime you think there is a break in sym. begins over.

Get some chewable vit C and chew well, gets into mouth and throat before digested.
If you get "gas" you have taken too much vit C, ease off.

Find some good calcium, soft tabs or liquid. See if anyone in health store does muscle testing so you will buy the one for you. Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
Though homeopathic medicines are safe even in pregnency,avoid self medication,unless you have enough experience and knoweldge in homeopathic treatment.

Consult a professional homeopath.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
Thanks a lot Sabra.U have releived my fears.I have been treating myself according to my homeo doctors list of meds she used on me frequently I being unable to contact on regular basis since i moved to this part of the world and all.I usually dont respond well to allopathy at all. So no choice but to self-medicate.(based on her list of course)
Manjula last decade
One more thing , I was wondering if anyone could advise on it,Yesterday i happened to pass some fluid(sorri)which did not appear to be urine.I Consulted my caregiver and was told after an exam it may not be amniotic fluid since my cervix appeared normal. I havent had a repetition of the leak but now am concerned about any bacteria being passed into the uterus through the exam. What could be the risk of that happening?
Manjula last decade
Pregnancy causes many odd things in the body. So pay attention carefully to your body so you know how to tell your symptoms if you need to see an allopathic doctor.

Fear is your enemy. It is not good for you or the baby. Be calm and look at things as observation, not alarm.

Urine could show different color and smell. If you are absolutely sure it is from the vagina, this is cause to watch. One need not get alarmed unless it repeats often. If it is thin red like a "little" blood in mucus, at least ask.

It is most probably not infection. Examinations are very carefully given.

Bright red blood...call dr and go to hospital.

Don't look at your first posting and repost in single sentences about what you were worried about first, and then this happened, then this, and etc.

Talk about yourself, tell us "who" you are. When you talk it helps when you know someone is listening. Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade

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