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Fatty liver-permanent cure?? Page 2 of 2

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What about biochemic Kali sulph?
Logical last decade
Hi christian,

I casually opened this thread and was totally enthralled by it contents.

I wish to complement you for vivid presentation of informations on Flax seeds.

Although I have not read the book By Dr.Budwig, I have collected many published reports on the beneficial effects of Fax Seed Oil.

However, I am a strong supporter of the views of Astra2012 that "USING FRESHLY GROUNDED FLAXSEEDS" is far more reliable qualitywise than oil.

Secondly, cottage cheese may not be freely available. I have seen many reports where Yoghurt is considered to be as good.

In fact, I get 100lb bags of Flax seeds and distribute it free to introduce it tothose wish to use it (with the instructions to grind it in a home blender). Its inexpensive.

Astra, your inputs are also very helpful.

Scholar last decade
MSM is methyl sulfonyl methane, it is a form of sulfur. i understand that cottage cheese is used with flax seed oil for its sulfur content. MSM is sulfur in capsule form -- it is a white-colored powder.
creamfudge last decade
For creamfudge,

Have to checked out the pharmacological and clinical properties and the possible side / adverse affects Methyl Sulfonyl Methane ?
I would like you to do so.

Mohan last decade
For creamfudge,

Have you checked out the pharmacological and clinical properties and the possible side / adverse affects of Methyl Sulfonyl Methane ?
I would like you to do so.
Mohan last decade
I researched Flaxseeds on Google and found out quite a lot about it. Am posting a few points I got there.
• Flax seeds contain a high quality protein.
• Flax seeds are rich in soluble fiber. The combination of the oil and the fiber makes flaxseeds an ideal laxative.
• Flax seeds contain vitamins B-1, B-2, C, E, and carotene. These seeds also contain iron, zinc, and trace amounts of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, and vitamin E and carotene, two nutrients which aid the metabolism of the oil.
• Flax seeds contain over a hundred times more of a phytonutrient, known as lignin, than any of its closest competitors, such as wheat bran, buckwheat, rye, millet, oats, and soybeans. Lignins have received a lot of attention lately because of possible anti-cancer properties, especially in relation to breast and colon cancer. Lignins seem to flush excess estrogen out of the body, thereby reducing the incidence of estrogen-linked cancers, such as breast cancer. Besides anti-tumor properties, lignins also seem to have antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties.
Flax seeds, because they contain some protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals, and lignins, are more nutritious than their oil. Yet, for practical purposes, most consumers prefer simply using the oil for its omega-3 fatty acids and not having to bother with grinding the seeds. But nutritionally speaking, it's worth the trouble to grind fresh flax seeds (say, in a coffee grinder) and sprinkle them as a seasoning on salads or cereals, or mix them into muffins. When buying seeds, be sure they are whole, not split; splitting exposes the inner seed to light and heat and decreases the nutritional value. Or, buy pre-ground flax seeds, available as flaxseed meal. One ounce of flaxseed meal (approximately 4 tbsp.) will yield about 6 grams of protein, and 8 grams of fiber.

Astra I hope you find this of interest. Google has quite a few interesting pages about this. Here also they said that flaxseeds ground is a better option than the oil which turns rancid quite quickly. Also the good quality oil is not available everywhere.
maya_hari last decade
Hi maya_hari,

You are absolutely right Flaxseed Oil turns rancid very fast and does more harm than good. It is well documented that all rancid oils are know to be carcinogenic.

Best thing is - grind the seeds into a fine powder and store it in a tightly closing container or bottle IN THE REFRIGIRATOR. Left out side at room temperature even the oil in the powder would turn rancid.
Scholar last decade
I'm very glad I saw these pists!

Freshly ground flaxseedss need to be mixed (right after grinding) with diary (yoghurt or cottage cheese) and then refrigerated. That way they do not become rancid.

I'm using oil (accord. to Christian from this thread)which is closed under nitrogen and stored in dark bottle (it needs oxygen and light to get rancid).
Astra2012 last decade
(but looks funnier).
Astra2012 last decade
For Astra

As you said it would be best to mix the freshly ground Flax seed powder with either cottage cheese or yoghurt and refrigerate.But in this case it must be consumed with 3 days.

My experience shows people don't have patience or time to frequently grind the seeds.

The most practical approach is to grind about quarter pound of the seeds at a time and refrigerate it in a tight container. Then take the requisite quantity of Flax powder daily, mix it with cottage cheese or yoghurt and keep it in fridge for an hour or so before eating it.
Scholar last decade
Hi creamfudge,

I have been waiting for your feedback on the pharmacology, side and adverse effects of MSM recommended by you for combining it with Flaxseed Oil or powder.

Anyway, I would like you to look at my following comments -
"MSM (methylsulfonyl methane), an important component of proteins
found throughout the body, like the ones in your hair, nails, skin, and tendons. Since MSM is a sulfur-containing supplement, be
sure to take a small amount of another nutrient called molybdenum along with it. Molybdenum helps your body metabolize sulfur".
Mohan last decade
Hello Scholar,
Exactly! I'm one of these lazy people who find frequent grinding of seeds too messy.

So I'm often using Barlean's oil. I'm mixing it in blender with organic lowfat yoghurt and have it ready for a week!
Seeds are more nutritious-definitely-as most whole foods are better than one ingredient extracted. But it is so messy and time-consuming!

When you mix oil or freshly groun seeds with diary, the sulfur-rich protein in diary fixes oil so it will not get rancid.

How long do you store ground seeds in refrig.?
Astra2012 last decade
Hi Astra,

From my experience, the gound seeds stored in fridge in a tightly closing bottle or any container, stay fresh for upto 1-month. But I prefer 15 days time span. Pls make sure that you grind the seeds into fairly fine powder.

To make the mix with sulfur rich dairy protein more palatable, I add a teaspoon of honey just before eating the mix.
Mohan last decade
For Astra,
I fully concur with the the recommendation given by Mohan. The powder mixed with either cottage cheese or Youghurt and may be kept for half an hour to allow it to react with the sulfur rich proteins.

Surely palatability of powder is a bit of a problem but honey or a little milk added just before eating will make the taste just fine. Moreover, pure honey possesses innumerable healing properties.

Scholar last decade
Thank you Mohan and Scholar - a month sounds quite good!

Instead of honey I considered (never tried yet) adding some orange juice! (but I keep adding it everywhere).

As to health benefits: i only read about it fighting cancer (like it took someone only 4 months on this diet (flaxseeds and cottage cheese everyday) to get rid of bone cancer) but I can confirm that it stabilizes blood readings in diab II-I suspect that it could bring bs to normal if that pt didn't eat that much sweets!
Astra2012 last decade

I feel a heaviness below the right ribs.. also feel a slight inflamation ,i feel like something swollen below my right ribs.I very often have digestion and acidity problem,, i drink once a week.. for last 15 years.. can i take Carduus marianus.. plz sugggest me any other remedies
sadiq414 last decade
i just found out i have a fatty liver...i dont know how it happened...i felt the pain on my right frm 2 years but indentified it now that it was liver pain..in the ultra sound fatty liver is identified...my alt is 48..a bit high...i feel pain in the right and i have constant constipati0on problem which doesnot end permanently...from a week im on salids in my diet..can you please help me woth the diet plan...and what medicines should i take to remover fat from my liver permamnetly...i s there a permanent solution to it...without more worse side effects...?
zunayir last decade
Hi Zunayir,

The following additional information is required to help you. Therefore, please do the best you can in providing a detailed and accurate data.

1. ID
2. Age
3. Sex
4. Single/Married
5. weight
6. Height ….
7. country
8. climate
9. List of your complaints

10. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint

11. Diabetic or non-Diabetic
12. Desire sweets/sour/salt
13. Thirst
14. Tongue and Taste
15. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine)

16. What exactly is happening?

17. How do you feel?
18. How does this affect you?

19. How does it feel like?
20. What comes to your mind?
21. One situation that had a
big effect on you?

22. How did that feel like?
23. What sensation do you experience in that situation?

24. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand (Habits or Actions)?

25. Current and previous remedies/medicines you are taking or took in the past?

26. Family Background
27. Educational Qualifications of the patient

28. Nature of work, what do you do for living?

29. Desires, likes and dislikes for food

30. Name of foods which increase your problem

31. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient…and so on.. How are you different from other persons, public speaking or not , you can describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections.

32. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases)

33. Attached here your photographs of the affected area. (if required/optional)

34. Location of the disease
35. Side of the problem (Right or Left), (Upper or Lower part of body)
36. Color of the secretions/discharges e.g urine, stool, sputum, Saliva etc.

For Females Only
37. When is the period during the month approx date? Any monthly cycle issues? Regular, early, late, before problems, after problems, pain, any other discharges?
38. Are you pregnant? If yes, please give pregnancy start date? Any current issues?

nawazkhan last decade
1. ID ??
2. Age 27
3. Sex male
4. Single/Married single
5. weight 87kg
6. Height ….5-11
7. country pakistan
8. climate hot
9. List of your complaints ...pain on the right side just below ribs...constipation is on daily bases and lots of gases......burning when i have tea...hot tea..and inflamation also...ALT is 48...

10. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint...from 2 years but i thought and doctors it was stomach as constipation was there...but just two weeks ago in ultra sound i found it to be a fatty liver...

11. non-Diabetic
12. Desire sweets/sour/salt ...not desire but wud prefer good food..
13. Thirst ...yes..
14. Tongue and Taste...normal...
15. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine)normal...

16. What exactly is happening?pain on the right side...and when stool pases i feel something is released on the right side...a bit pain and then it vanishes...i feel better when stool passes..

17. How do you feel? ...in pain....
18. How does this affect you? ...sometimes i feel problem in driving my car,,,

19. How does it feel like? pain....
20. What comes to your mind?...pain...
21. One situation that had a
big effect on you? constipation

23. What sensation do you experience in that situation?...

24. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand (Habits or Actions)? pain on right side...

25. Current and previous remedies/medicines you are taking or took in the past? ..motilium V...esomeprazol...lilac serup...mucanee...digest Mp...

26. Family Background ...normal...
27. Educational Qualifications of the patient ...MBA HRM

28. Nature of work, what do you do for living? ..Businessman..

29. Desires, likes and dislikes for food ....like tasty food...burgers and all....food lover..

30. Name of foods which increase your problem ...potatoe...and spicy stuff...and rice....bread..wheat,.,,

31. Mind-behavior, anger...yes, irritability...yes, hurry, impatient...sumtimes…and so on.. How are you different from other persons, public speaking or not , you can describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections. ..i am extremist....very loving possesive and carng,

32. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases)

33. Attached here your photographs of the affected area. (if required/optional)

34. Location of the disease
35. Side of the problem (Right ), (Upper part...below ribs..)
36. Color of the secretions..normal.
zunayir last decade
'i am extremist..'

Please describe the above in detail.

What do you do when you are angry?

So, you have not taken any homoeopathic remedies in your life?

Please describe your constipation?
nawazkhan last decade
Liver diseases can completely eat out a person’s well-being. Therefore, it is very necessary that to maintain a healthy liver function, a healthy diet is also necessary. Especially, a person with liver disease must opt for a special diet which will be able to help him/her recuperate. Some of them are mentioned below;

Apples – Pectin is a substance which is abundantly found in apples. It helps in to bind the heavy metals in the body especially the colon and at the same time help in the excretion. Thus, apples can help reduce the load on the liver and increase its detoxification capabilities.
Garlic and onions – Include at least two roasted garlic in your diet. Preserve them in your refrigerator and use it at least once every week. Red onions are also an excellent way of detoxifying your liver. this is a very effective herbal medicine for liver disease.
Hot water and lemon – take some freshly squeezed lemon juice in a cup of lukewarm water, first thing in the morning. This will help in leasing the liver as well as promote detoxification. It also aids in the production of bile, cleanse the bowel and the stomach and at the same time stimulate bowel motion.
Cruciferous vegetables – Vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, Kohlrabi, green collards, Kale, etc. are all very good choices in terms of detoxifying our liver. Thus, it is better if you can definitely make them a part of your daily menu.

These were some of the diet options for a patient with liver disease. Even people without liver diseases can employ them to maintain a healthy liver function. They can also take the help of any herbal medicine for liver disease to provide vigor and vitality to their liver. One of them is the Himalaya Liv 52.
I found also a link where you can get himalaya liv 52
Just go on
onlineherbs webSite
onlineherbs last decade

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