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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

6 yr old cough -can't find right remedy

hi there.

we just moved across canada to a property on the river near the ocean for 1 year. my 6 yr old was dropped on his neck by his 14 yr old cousin the day before we left-then he smashed his face into a fence while tobogganing several hours later and got a bloody mouth and fat lip. I gave him 3 separate doses of arnica 30c over the next 24 hours.

Then he had restaurant foods on our 24 hour drive down here, he doesn't normally eat these as he has food sensitivities. His lip breaks out in eczema/rash, rashes on face, itching, dark circles under his eyes, behavioural issues like intense anger, unable to cope with emotions.

He came down with what we figured was a cold on the drive here and despite my regular remedies and supplements it seems I cannot help this cough and it is a tough one!!!

I gave drosera 30c about 3 times over the period of 2.5 days with improvement to the point I thought it was almost gone - now going into the 6th day it is worse then ever.

we are in a log cottage on the river/ocean, can't say for sure if it is something here internally or externally that is aggravating this cough that started the day before we got here. No one else got 'this cold he has' if that is what it is. we are burning wood but in an airtight woodstove but the back bedrooms are way colder then at home- lots of covers and long johns and slippers!

The cough is really dry, moreso since last night. I think I gave him bryonia 30cin the night. Today it is really dry and long hacking cycles, and violent, coughs til he gags (but different then whooping cough-we had that a few years ago and it was bad-but our homeopath gave us a dozen or more remedies in 200c potencies and kept switching them around if one didn't work)

his cough now is WAY worse at night which never happens for him. 2 nights ago it started at 1am and wouldn't stop for HOURS. poor guy was so tired and i felt bad as I was getting so frustrated and angry, I just wanted to fix it and go back to bed.

last night 3 am, same thing. i tried herbal teas, homemade cough syrup from herbs, cold wet sock treatment, finally vicks on his feet and chest so we could get some sleep-we did but it probably wiped out everything I'd done til then?

now tonight it is 9:30 pm and here we go again.

no fever

he does cough during the day- seems to be all the time when he is outside in the snow- he really wants to be outside playing.

we had a quiet time of no coughing between about 4 am and 9am this morning. When he awoke and got up it started back up. We had another quiet time of little to no coughing this afternoon when he came into play inside.

His spirits are pretty good i think he is anxious/nervous about his dad starting work in a few days. he will be working 6 days a weekand long hours! he's been a work at home dad since my son was born so this is a double huge adjustment - He's pretty angry and frustrated with his little sister alot and yells at her. Angry at me too sometimes-despite clear rules or boundaries he will still do what he is asked not to and then get really angry with the outcome, whether its a toy that is taken away etc. he will clench his teeth and fists and vibrate he is so angry (this is usually linked to certain foods he eats) and if sent to his room he will throw things and seems like he cannot express his emotions like they are all bottled up. he wants to cry but rarely does-his appetite is good-whole foods- he wishes he could have oranges and cheese but he has sensitivities with those and we avoid them. lately I have to make/remind him to drink water. Loves homemade ginger lemonaide and anything sweet, honey on a spoon etc.

he said he is cold in bed tonight- he had wool long underwear and trackpants and wool slippers on- he did eventually warm up. he asked for a hot bath today as well.

he is homesick already and missing his cousins, grandpa, uncle and especially his cat which is now with grandpa. We've been here 5 days and every day he asks how soon we can make new friends. Desperate for companionship or for people to come over (we are secluded). We homeschool so he doesn't go to school.

colds always go straight to his chest.

he is small for his age, and people always mistake him for a girl. he is very fast and very agile and loves to roughhouse.

he picks his nose and eats it alot. we are meat eaters and we do have our 2 dogs with us.

he had a nightmare about a coyote again last night watching us and couldn't get back to sleep. hes had similar dream in the past. Since we are remote here like back home, i think he overheard the neighbours talking to my husband about the coyotes.

he asked for his own room a few weeks ago before we left. he said it was time. we've never talked about it. we all usually play musical beds but he prefers to sleep with his sister and me. my husband snores and sleeps in a different room. we cleared a room and bed at home for my son and he did sleep there a few nights by himself before we left. when we arrived here he chose to sleep with us.

he is biting his nails in the last couple days and has his fingers in his mouth alot, sucking on his fingers, playing with his teeth etc.

he recently lost his 2 bottom front teeth and the 2 new ones are coming in as well as back molars which he has mentioned on occassion hurt.

He did tell me again today that his neck is hurting alot from the fall. We are currently seeking a local chiropractor.

my son is very sensitive. He has had problems with 200c and higher potencies about 4 yrs ago(med 1m and phosphorous 200c)that were given to him by a homeopath back home.

Anyhow, any insight into an appropriate remedy would be really helpful. I usually try a bunch of them, but i have recently come across a homeopath that is working with our dog that says that approach is dangerous and I need to work harder to find the right remedy.

I thought I found an ND and also a homeopath 1/2 hour away from our new house, but the ND is booked until the 28th of March and the only homeopath has been practicing 5 yrs and says he doesn't work much with children.

thanks for looking at this.

  wendypape on 2008-01-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
oops, one more important thing. my son is afraid of the dark. asks for a light on when going to bed and is afraid to go outside when it is dark.


wendypape last decade
Hi there,

I use to get bronchitis once a year. That first year after I found out about homeopathy, a long itme ago, I sat up all night with Everybody's Guide to H Meds trying everything that looked like it might work in 30c because I was not going to the md again. The one that worked for me was Kali-Carb. It always started as soon as I hit the sack, dry, violent enough to my eyes water, loud and relentless until I gagged and on and on until morning and not as bad during the day. My stomach muscles were always very sore. If it didn't work after 15 minutes, clock in hand, I was on the next one unitl Kali-Carb. And then it stopped. I would take another dose if started again and then it didn't come back.

These are the ones I thought would work but didn't.
Bryonia(u tried)
Drosera (u tried)
Hepar Sulph

Good luck!

jrex33 last decade
dose of nux vomica --start treatment--- 1pellet 30c in 4 oz water --s tir-- 1 teaspoon dose....no repeat---do that firstt and explain the following-so as clear--which exact symptoms have occured (new ) since the neck injury---exclude those which existed prior to this--
best give nux before bed----and no acid foods and drinks--carbonated soft drinks;vinegared/pickled fods;coffees;teas;fruits and fruit juices..etc--follow this diet untl get child in balanced palce--also yes-proper as u mentioned for chiropractic evaluation/treatment----check glands -neck region and relate back what is observed--what has been noticed of current stool /urination characteristics ?as compared to prior the injury/moving?/what is exact weather/climate change from old location to new?
John Stanton last decade

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