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Blocked nose, 6 mth old baby

Hi, My 6 mth old has had a blocked nose for over 3 weeks. Some watery mucus at times but always some greenish plugs stuck there.

His blocked nose is waking him at night frequently.

He has started teething a month ago but no teeth yet.

I started him on solids around the same time as the blocked nose started. He has eaten organic carrot, courgette, sweet potato, turnip, baby rice and parsnip - all pureed.

Last night we gave him some pureed pear, parsnip and also a tsp of Medised: paracetamol and something to unblock nose. He has had this for 3 nights but last night vomited frequently.

I am breastfeeding him too.

Please help. He has been waking up every 1/2 hours for 7 weeks now.
  Ritadaisy on 2007-10-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
pls try Belladonna 6 (2 drops mixed with 1/2 cup of distilled water) and give her 1/2 spoon twice ina day with calc phos 6x 1 tab twice in a day by disolving in one spoon leucwarm water.

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade

I could not get Belladonna 6 only belladonna 30 - gave him 1 crushed tablet which he vomited.

Am giving drops of Chamomilla 3 in water with calc phos 30 (could not get 6) twice in 1 day. Still taking Calc Phos to help teeth come through?

Have cut down on dairy foods and his nose has become unblocked.

Have posted a new question about excema which is his next problem. Are you able to advise on this?

Shall I switch Belladonna for Chamomilla drops?
Ritadaisy last decade
faisal qureshi last decade

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