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epistaxis cured case 1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum


what is the proper medicine for this disease
  asimattar on 2007-07-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
right medicine is Arnica mont 30
dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Nose, epistaxis :

abrot., acet-ac., acon., agar., ail., all-c., aloe., alum., alumn., am-c., am-m., ambr., anac., anag., anan., ant-c., ant-s., ant-t., apis., aran., arg-m., arg-n., arn., ars-i., ars., asaf., asar., astac., aster., aur., bapt., bar-c., bar-m., bell., benz-ac., berb., bism-ox., bor., both., bov., brom., bry., bufo-r., cact., cadm., calc-p., calc-s., calc., camph., cann-s., canth., caps., carb-an., carb-s., carb-v., card-m., caust., cham., chin-a., chin-s., chin., cic., cina., cinnam., cinnb., clem., cocc., coff., colch., coloc., con., cop., cor-r., croc., crot-c., crot-h., cupr., dig., dros., dulc., echi., elaps., erig., euphr., eupi., glon., graph., ham., hecla., hep., hydr., hyos., ign., indg., iod., ip., kali-ar., kali-bi., kali-c., kali-chl., kali-i., kali-n., kali-p., kali-s., kreos., lach., lachn., lact-ac., led., lil-t., lob., lyc., lyss., mag-c., mag-m., mag-s., med., meli., meph., merc-c., merc., mez., mill., mosch., mur-ac., nat-a., nat-c., nat-h., nat-m., nat-p., nat-s., nit-ac., nux-m., nux-v., oena., op., ox-ac., par., petr., ph-ac., phos., pic-ac., plat., plb., puls., ran-b., rat., rhod., rhus-t., rumx., ruta., sabad., sabin., samb., sang., sarr., sars., scil., sec., senec., seneg., sep., sil., sin-n., spig., spong., stann., staph., stict., stram., stront., sul-ac., sulph., tarax., tarent., ter., teucr., thu., til., tril., tub., ust., vac., valer., verat., vinc., viol-o., vip., zinc.

From Kent. Any of these 189 medicines might be required.To know which one of these, more details are required.

gavinimurthy last decade
[Complete ] [Nose]Epistaxis:

Total Drugs : 296

Drug Mark Remedy Remedy Full Name

4 Chin China officinalis; China rubra
4 Ferr-pic Ferrum picricum
3 Acon Aconitum napellus
3 Am-c Ammonium carbonicum
3 Ambr Ambra grisea
3 Ant-c Antimonium crudum
3 Arn Arnica montana
3 Bell Belladonna
3 Both-l Bothrops lanceolatus
3 Bov Bovista
3 Cact Cactus grandiflorus
3 Calc Calcarea carbonica Hahnemanii
3 Calc-p Calcarea phosphorica
3 Calc-s Calcarea sulphurica
3 Carb-v Carbo vegetabilis
3 Carbn-s Carboneum sulphuratum
3 Caust Causticum Hahnemanii
3 Croc Crocus sativus
3 Crot-h Crotalus horridus
3 Ham Hamamelis virginica
3 Hyos Hyoscyamus niger
3 Ip Ipecacuanha
3 Kali-i Kali iodatum
3 Lach Lachesis
3 Med Medorrhinum
3 Meli Melilotus officinalis
3 Merc Mercurius solubilis hahnemanni
3 Mill Millefolium; Achillea millefolium
3 Nit-ac Nitricum acidum
3 Phos Phosphorus
3 Puls Pulsatilla nigricans; Anemone pratensis
3 Rhus-t Rhus toxicodendron
3 Sabin Sabina officinalis
3 Sec Secale cornutum
3 Sulph Sulphur
3 Tub Tuberculinum bovinum kent
2 Agar Agaricus muscarius; Amanita muscaria
2 All-c Allium cepa
2 Alumn Alumen
2 Ars Arsenicum album
2 Ars-i Arsenicum iodatum
2 Bapt Baptisia tinctoria
2 Bar-c Baryta carbonica
2 Bar-m Baryta muriatica
2 Berb Berberis vulgaris
2 Brom Bromium
2 Bry Bryonia alba
2 Bufo Bufo rana
2 Cann-s Cannabis sativa
2 Caps Capsicum annum
2 Carb-an Carbo animalis
2 Cham Chamomilla vulgaris
2 Chin-s Chininum sulphuricum
2 Cina Cina Maritima; Artemisia maritima
2 Cinnb Cinnabaris
2 Con Conium maculatum
2 Cop Copaiva
2 Cupr Cuprum metallicum
2 Dig Digitalis purpurea
2 Dros Drosera rotundifolia
2 Dulc Dulcamara
2 Elaps Elaps corallinus
2 Erig Erigeron canadensis
2 Ferr Ferrum metallicum
2 Ferr-ar Ferrum arsenicosum
2 Ferr-p Ferrum phosphoricum
2 Glon Glonoine
2 Graph Graphites
2 Hecla Hecla lava
2 Hep Hepar sulphuris calcareum
2 Hydr Hydrastis canadensis
2 Iod Iodium
2 Kali-bi Kali bichromicum
2 Kali-c Kali carbonicum
2 Kali-n Kali nitricum
2 Kreos Kreosotum
2 Led Ledum palustre
2 Lyc Lycopodium clavatum
2 Lyss Lyssinum; Hydrophobinum
2 Mag-c Magnesia carbonica
2 Merc-c Mercurius corrosivus
2 Mez Mezereum
2 Mosch Moschus moschiferum
2 Nat-c Natrum carbonicum
2 Nat-m Natrum muriaticum
2 Nat-n Natrum nitricum
2 Nat-p Natrum phosphoricum
2 Nux-m Nux moschata
2 Nux-v Nux vomica
2 Petr Petroleum
2 Ph-ac Phosphoricum acidum
2 Rat Ratanhia peruviana
2 Rhod Rhododendron chrysanthum
2 Rumx Rumex crispus
2 Sang Sanguinaria canadensis
2 Sars Sarsaparilla officinalis
2 Sep Sepia succus
2 Sil Silicea; Silica terra
2 Spong Spongia tosta
2 Stann Stannum metallicum
2 Sul-ac Sulphuricum acidum
2 Tarent Tarentula hispanica
2 Ter Terebinthiniae oleum
2 Thlaspi Thlaspi bursa pastoris
2 Thuj Thuja occidentalis
2 Tril Trillium pendulum
2 Ust Ustilago maydis
2 Verat Veratrum album
1 Arg-m Argentum metallicum
1 Abrot Abrotanum; Artemesia abrotanum
1 Acet-ac Aceticum acidum
1 Agn Agnus castus
1 Ail Ailanthus glandulosa
1 Aloe Aloe socotrina
1 Alum Aluminium oxydatum
1 Alum-p Aluminium phosphoricum
1 Alum-sil Aluminium silicata; Feldspar
1 Am-caust Ammonium causticum
1 Am-m Ammonium muriaticum
1 Ambro Ambrosia artemisiefolia
1 Aml-n Amyl nitrosum
1 Anac Anacardiun orientale
1 Anag Anagallis arvensis
1 Anan Anantherum muricatum
1 Ang Angustura vera
1 Ant-s Antimonium sulphurtum auratum
1 Ant-t Antimonium tartaricum
1 Apis Apis mellifica
1 Aran Aranea diadema
1 Arg-n Argentum nitircum
1 Ars-s-f Arsenicum sulphuricum flavum
1 Arum-t Arum triphyllum
1 Asaf Asafoetida
1 Asar Asarum europoeum
1 Asc-t Asclepias tuberosa
1 Astac Astacus fluviatilis
1 Aster Asterias rubens
1 Aur Aurum metallicum
1 Aur-ar Aurum arsenicum
1 Aur-i Aurum iodatum
1 Aur-m Aurum muriaticum
1 Aur-s Aurum sulphuratum
1 Bamb-a Bambusa arundinacea
1 Bar-i Baryta iodatum
1 Bar-s Baryta sulphurica
1 Bell-p Bellis perennis
1 Benz-ac Benzoicum acid
1 Beryl Beryllium metallicum
1 Bism Bismuthum subnitricum
1 Bor Borax veneta
1 Both-a Bothrops atrox
1 Cadm-s Cadmium sulphuratum
1 Calad Caladium seguinum
1 Calc-hp Calcarea hypophosphorosa
1 Calc-i Calcarea iodatum
1 Calc-sil Calcarea silicata
1 Camph Camphora officinarum
1 Cann-i Cannabis indica
1 Canth Cantharis vesicatoria; Meloe vesicatorius
1 Carb-ac Carbolicum acidum
1 Carc Carcinosin Burnett
1 Card-m Carduus marianus
1 Chel Chelidonium majus
1 Chin-ar Chininum arsenicosum
1 Choc Chocolate
1 Cic Cicuta virosa
1 Cinnam Cinnamomum ceylanicum
1 Clem Clematis erecta
1 Cob-n Cobaltum nitricum
1 Coca Coca
1 Cocc Cocculus indicus
1 Coff Coffea cruda
1 Colch Colchicum autumnale
1 Coloc Colocynthis
1 Conv Convallaria majalis
1 Cor-r Corallium rubrum
1 Corn Cornus circinata
1 Crot-c Crotalus cascavella
1 Cyt-l Cytisus laburnum
1 Dios Dioscorea villosa
1 Echi Echinacea angustifolia
1 Erech Erechthites hieracifocia
1 Eup-per Eupatorium perfoliatum
1 Euphr Euphrasia officinalis
1 Eupi Eupionum
1 Ferr-acet Ferrum aceticum
1 Ferr-i Ferrum iodatum
1 Ferr-m Ferrum muriaticum
1 Fic Ficus religiosa
1 Gall-ac Gallicum acidum
1 Gamb Gambojia; Garcenia morella; Gummi gutti
1 Gels Gelsemium sempervirens
1 Gran Granatum punica
1 Hedeo Hedeoma pulegioides
1 Hipp Hippomanes
1 Hir Hirudin medicinalis
1 Hura Hura brasiliensis
1 Ign Ignatia amara
1 Ind Indium metallicum
1 Indg Indigo tinctora
1 Jug-c Juglans cinerea
1 Jug-r Juglans regia; Nux juglans; Walnut (Bach flower)
1 Kali-ar Kali arsenicosum
1 Kali-chl Kali chloricum
1 Kali-cy Kali cyanatum
1 Kali-hp Kali hypophosphoricum
1 Kali-p Kali phosphoricum
1 Kali-s Kali sulphuricum
1 Kali-sil Kali silicum
1 Lac-ac Lacticum acidum
1 Lac-c Lac caninum
1 Lachn Lachnathes tinctoria
1 Lapa Lapathum acutum
1 Laur Laurocerasus officinalis
1 Lil-t Lilium tigrinum
1 Lob Lobelia inflata
1 Lycps Lycopus virginicus
1 M-arct Magnetis polus arcticus
1 Mag-m Magnesia muriatica
1 Mag-s Magnesia sulphurica
1 Meny Menyanthes trifoliata
1 Meph Mustella foetida; Mephitis putorius
1 Merc-cy Mercurius cyanatus
1 Merl Mercurialis perennis
1 Mit Mitchella repens
1 Morg Morgan pure by paterson (Bowel nososde)
1 Morg-g Morgan Gaertner (Bowel nososde)
1 Mur-ac Muriaticum acidum
1 Naja Naja tripudians
1 Nat-ar Natrum arsenicum
1 Nat-hchls Natrum hypochlorosum
1 Nat-s Natrum sulphuricum
1 Nat-sal Natrum salicylicum
1 Nat-sil Natrum silicatum
1 Oena Oenanthe crocata
1 Ol-j Oleum jecoris aselli
1 Onis Oniscus aselli; Millepedes
1 Onon Ononis spinosa
1 Op Opium
1 Orig-v Origanum vulgare
1 Osm Osmium metallicum
1 Ox-ac Oxalic acid
1 Ozone Ozonum
1 Par Paris quadrifolia
1 Paull Paullinia sorbilis; Guarana
1 Phyt Phytolacca decandra
1 Pic-ac Picricum acidum
1 Pitu-a Pitutaria glandula anterior
1 Plat Platinum metallicum
1 Plb Plumbum metalicum
1 Prun Prunus spinosa
1 Psil Psilocybe caerulescens
1 Pyrog Pyrgenium
1 Ran-b Ranunculus bulbosus
1 Rauw Rauwolfia serpentina
1 Rhus-g Rhus glabra
1 Ruta Ruta graveolens
1 Sabad Sabadilla officinalis; Asagrea officinalis
1 Sabal Sabal serrulata
1 Samb Sambucus nigra
1 Sanic Sanicula aqua
1 Sarr Sarracenia purpurea
1 Scroph-n Scrophularia nodosa
1 Sel Selenium
1 Senec Senecio gragglis; Senecio aureus
1 Seneg Senega officinalis
1 Sin-n Sinapis nigra
1 Spig Spigelia anthelmia
1 Squil Squilla maritima; Scilla
1 Staph Staphysagria
1 Stict Sticta pulmonaria
1 Stram Stramonium
1 Stront-c Strontium carbonicum
1 Syc-co Sycoccus bacillus by Paterson (Bowel Nosode)
1 Syph Syphilinum
1 Tab Tabacum
1 Tarax Taraxacum officinalis
1 Terebe Terebenum
1 Teucr Teucrium marum verum
1 Thea Thea sinensis
1 Thyr Thyroidinum
1 Til Tilia europaea
1 Trif-p Trifolium pratense
1 Trom Trombidium muscae domesticae; Acarus
1 Vac Vaccininum; Vaccinotoxinum
1 Valer Valeriana officinalis
1 Verat-v Veratrum viride
1 Vib Viburnum opulus
1 Vinc Vinca minor
1 Viol-o Viola odorata
1 Vip Vipera communis; Vipera berus; Vipera torva
1 Visc Viscum album
1 Xan Xanthoxylum fraxineum
1 Zinc Zincum metallicum
1 Zinc-p Zincum phosphoricum
deoshlok last decade
So, the lesson is we can't prescribe a homeopathic medicine just by hearing 'epistaxis'.

gavinimurthy last decade
Two super remedy is for epistaxis out of 296 medicine. Drug Mark is 4 i.s. 1st graded medicine.

1. Chin -China officinalis; China rubra
2. Ferr-pic Ferrum picricum

and following are the 2nd graded medicines for epistaxis.

3 Acon Aconitum napellus
3 Am-c Ammonium carbonicum
3 Ambr Ambra grisea
3 Ant-c Antimonium crudum
3 Arn Arnica montana
3 Bell Belladonna
3 Both-l Bothrops lanceolatus
3 Bov Bovista
3 Cact Cactus grandiflorus
3 Calc Calcarea carbonica Hahnemanii
3 Calc-p Calcarea phosphorica
3 Calc-s Calcarea sulphurica
3 Carb-v Carbo vegetabilis
3 Carbn-s Carboneum sulphuratum
3 Caust Causticum Hahnemanii
3 Croc Crocus sativus
3 Crot-h Crotalus horridus
3 Ham Hamamelis virginica
3 Hyos Hyoscyamus niger
3 Ip Ipecacuanha
3 Kali-i Kali iodatum
3 Lach Lachesis
3 Med Medorrhinum
3 Meli Melilotus officinalis
3 Merc Mercurius solubilis hahnemanni
3 Mill Millefolium; Achillea millefolium
3 Nit-ac Nitricum acidum
3 Phos Phosphorus
3 Puls Pulsatilla nigricans; Anemone pratensis
3 Rhus-t Rhus toxicodendron
3 Sabin Sabina officinalis
3 Sec Secale cornutum
3 Sulph Sulphur
3 Tub Tuberculinum bovinum kent

I have prescribed the arnica because it is widely use in the regual parctice. If it is fails then we think for others.

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Another, more surer way to help the patient will be to ask for more symptoms.

Otherwise it becomes a guess work.

Do we prescribe Arnica , if a patient comes to our clinic and says 'I have epistaxis' without asking further questions?

We won't do it? Then, why do we do it on the forums?

gavinimurthy last decade
pateint need a remedy for epistaxis he don't need a lecture
faisal qureshi last decade
This lecture is not for the patient. There is a seperate thread for that.

You perhaps know for whom it is meant. : )

gavinimurthy last decade
yes you are right. Then pls do not disturb me on the subject when I will with my thread by presenting 189 remedy I already know there is 296 remedy not the 189..
If you want to teach me or aware me then come from other thread this is not the right thread to present your opinion.
Ever I disturbed at your thread . Ever I present my homoeopathic knowledge that I am a good homoeopath by presenting any word.

Any patient comes at my clinic with epitaxis First I will try Arnica Mont or Aconite This is my practice.

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
How do you choose between Aconite and Arnica, even assuming that you normally select one of these two, for cases of epistaxis?

Obviously, you will ask more questions.

Why do you feel it is not necessary on the forum?

I am not disturbing any body.
as you have a right to prescribe, I have a right to comment upon it.

You are always welcome on any thread where I posted, and offer your valuable opinions.

gavinimurthy last decade
I asked for detail When ever I required . Epistaxis is very common in this area i.e. cappilarry bleeding by blunt injury by air, temp. local injury, by touch ..... so on ... there for in epistaxis Arnica is playing a get a roll in curing of epistaxis.
I am in my regular paractice The Top ranking of medicine is Arnica Mont Though china and ferrum pic are the first graded medicine but I never tried these two medicine.

sorry for interference

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Thanks to Dr.Deoshluk sharma for your clear words.Arnica is the best medicine of epistaxis.
Dr.Haran ch malaker last decade
Yes.Causation is important. Why do you assume the causation? Why can't you ask for more details before prescribing?

gavinimurthy last decade
All those interested to know the generally indicated medicines for epistaxis ,along with their indications may read here.


gavinimurthy last decade
Dear Dr Sharma,
i agree with you ! homeopathy is big field every one got a diffrent idea of treating and this is forum we can't suggest 100% remedy and if someone treating a patenit there is no point to interfare of other suggestion

faisal qureshi last decade
causation require for booky knowledge person. does not require any thing for common disease for regular 12 hrs field parctioner . I can treat fever , headache, Bleeding ......without knowing any cause.
dr. deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
I dont like to hear lecture coz i have passed 4years full time engaging myself bussy with lectures,i know every result and adverse of homeopathic remedy.And i hope every learned doctor of this forum know this well,they dont need help of any lecture further regarding any medicine.I congratulate Dr.Joe,Dr Deoshluk sharma,Dr.Girilal, Md.Mumtaz Ali Riaz and Dr.Ashfaq for their beneficial and miracle inventions of proov of medicines which were not seen in any meteria Medica.I appreciate to those doctor who are sharing their best achievent during their practice.I also hate those who is in habit to explain and to interfare in others openions.I invite to those please come and explain any miracle achievement if you have, like a friend and not like a teacher.Thanks
Dr.Haran ch malaker last decade
I am not questioning your competence in your clinic. It is none of my buisiness.

But, when you prescribe openly on a forum, persons like me will express lot of doubts.

There is no point in getting angry.You have still not answered my question.

What prevents the prescribers, in trying to get more details before prescribing, as you yourself have done on the dandruff thread?

gavinimurthy last decade

I dont like to hear lecture coz i have passed 4years full time engaging myself bussy with lectures,i know every result and adverse of homeopathic remedy.And i hope every learned doctor of this forum know this well,they dont need help of any lecture further regarding any medicine.I congratulate Dr.Joe,Dr Deoshluk sharma,Dr.Girilal, Md.Mumtaz Ali Riaz and Dr.Ashfaq for their beneficial and miracle inventions of proov of medicines which were not seen in any meteria Medica.I appreciate to those doctor who are sharing their best achievent during their practice.I also hate those who is in habit to explain and to interfare in others openions.I invite to those please come and explain any miracle achievement if you have, like a friend and not like a teacher.Thanks


Often heard rhetoric. I am interested in the welfare of the patients here, and would protect them to the extant I can, by exposing ill thought out, hasty and dangerous prescriptions.

I want them to know atleast some fundamentals of homeopathy.

gavinimurthy last decade
Hi murthy,
in this forum all homeopath qulified and experience in practice they know how to deal a pateint and what is homeopathy teach us.
faisal qureshi last decade
There is no end to learning.

Homeopathy is a vast subject, and a life time is not enough to master it.

gavinimurthy last decade
thanks baba i am baby homeopath !
faisal qureshi last decade
In india . each and every house is with Arnica it is not the hasty and dangerous prescription. I have not prescribe for cancer or any mental cases . If I prescribed the arnica in cancer i.e. also correct remedy for that.
I request you to do not interfare and show that you are a great homoeopath. Your self is engineer by proffession not the doctor.

A medical practioner can not be a engineer or engineer can not be a medical practioner both the work can not be done at a time.
you have to leave one proffession and jump in to the field of homooepathy.

As our ethics Any good doctor will not interfere to any medical practioner. If any body is interfering means he is not a doctor.

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
I never claimed to be a doctor.

Yes. I am an engineer. See my profile for more details.

The prescription of Arnica is not based on any case.There are not enough details. It is what I call 'hasty' prescription. A proper analysis is required before prescribing.

You did a good thing to ask for details about his epistaxis and dandruff together. He may have other problems too, and they too will come out with further questioning.

Prescribing on a single symptom, without any details, based on a disease name is not to be encouraged.

That is what I am doing, and what I will continue to do.

gavinimurthy last decade
Well done Dr Sharma mr murthy is thinking he born homopath if you ask my oppinion about him ? he is rasist person i don't know about you.
faisal qureshi last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.