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Ear Infection



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

ear infection for 5 months in 21 month old

My dasughter had one ear infection wehn she was about 9 months old and it was treated successfully by antibiotics. Ever since she started daycare she ahs had a continuos runny nose and an ear infection that started in one ear, and then the other, and then both. She has been treated with Amoxicillin,cefprozil,azithromycin, sulfatrim,amoxicillin/clavulanicacid susp., and cefprozil again. Nothing worked. I finally took her off all antibiotics and gave her zyrtec for possible allergies at bedtime, and am giving her chamomile tea in her bottle instead of milk. She is still on milk during the day as she goes to daycare, but i have cut her milk products at home completely for 3 days now.
She acts happy and content in the daytime, but has never slept throguh the night. She sometimes rubs her ears in her sleep as if they itch, but doesn't seem uncomfortable. She has never had a fever with the ear infections, it's just that her ears don't look clear to the doctors. I went to see an ENT doctor and her pediatrician, both say Tubes now or in a month. Since i have stopped the milk and meds she seems to sleep a lot better and is happier in the daytime, not as clingy. They say that her hearing is affected temporarily since her ears are plugged up, but she seems to hear perfectly to me, i can speak quietly and she repeats what i say very clearly.

What can i do now? What are my options?
  sofiasmom on 2007-03-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
First do't allow to take milk during sleep if mother is breast feeding the milk .
for feeding to the child better at sitting position. this may one of the cause of ear infection and ottorrhoea of child.

now give one dose of Psorinum 200 and wait for 15 days and report me.
dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade

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