Repertory listing

Back; pain; burning; Sacrum (base of spine)

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Back; pain; burning; sacrum; bor., 2carb-v., colch., coloc., 2ferr., 2helon., lachn., mur-ac., murx., ph-ac., phos., 2podo., rhus-t., sabin., sep., sil., sulph., tarent., thuj.

Back; pain; burning; sacrum; 4 p.m.; lachn.

Back; pain; burning; sacrum; during period; carb-v., ferr.

Back; pain; burning; sacrum; while sitting; bor.

Back; pain; burning; sacrum; sticking; mur-ac.

Back; pain; burning; sacrum; after stool; coloc.

Back; pain; burning; sacrum; worse warmth of bed; 2coloc.

Back; pain; burning; sacrum; junction of hip bones to spine; rumx.