Repertory listing

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; Fear

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Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; absin., acet-ac., 1acon., aeth., agar., agn., aloe., 2alum., am-c., anac., ang., ant-c., ant-t., 1arg-n., ars-i., 2ars., asaf., 1aur., bapt., 2bar-c., bar-m., 1bell., 1bor., 2bry., bufo., 2cact., calad., 1calc-p., 2calc-s., 1calc., camph., cann-i., cann-s., 2caps., carb-an., 1carb-s., 2carb-v., cast., 2caust., cham., chin-a., chin., chlor., 1cic., cimic., coc-c., 2coca., 2cocc., coff., coloc., 2con., croc., 2crot-h., 2cupr., daph., 1dig., dros., dulc., echi., elaps., eupho., ferr-ar., ferr-p., ferr., 2form., 2gels., gent-c., glon., 1graph., hell., 2hep., hydr-ac., 2hyos., hyper., 1ign., 2iod., ip., 1kali-ar., 2kali-br., 2kali-c., kali-i., kali-n., kali-p., kali-s., lach., 2lil-t., lob., 1lyc., 1lyss., mag-c., 2mag-m., manc., 2meli., merc-i-r., 2merc., mez., 2mosch., mur-ac., murx., 2nat-a., 1nat-c., 2nat-m., 2nat-p., nat-s., nicc., nit-ac., 2nux-v., 2onos., 2op., 2petr., 1phos., 2phyt., pip-m., 1plat., 1psor., 2puls., ran-b., raph., rheum., rhod., 2rhus-t., rhus-v., ruta., sec., 1sep., sil., spig., 2spong., squil., 2stann., staph., 1stram., 2stront., stry., 2sul-ac., 2sulph., 2tab., tarent., thuj., til., valer., 2verat., 2zinc.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; daytime, only; lac-c., mur-ac., sul-ac.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; Morning

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; late morning; am-c.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; noon until 3 p.m.; aster.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; afternoon; aeth., am-c., ant-t., berb., carb-an., carb-v., cast., dig., mag-c., nat-c., nicc., 2nux-v., stront., 2sulph., 2tab.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; afternoon; 4 p.m.; tab.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; afternoon; 5 p.m.; nux-v.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; Evening

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; better evening; mag-c.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; better evening; better in bed; mag-c.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; Night

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; arising from abdomen; asaf.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of accidents; acon., 2carb-v., cupr., gins.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of accidents; cutting himself when shaving; calad.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; in open air; anac., 2hep., nux-v.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; better open air; plat., 2valer.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; Of being alone (see company)

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; alternating with mania; 2bell.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of animals; bufo., caust., 1chin., hyos., 2stram.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of animals; of dogs; 1bell., 2caust., 1chin., 2hyos., 2stram., 2tub.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of animals; imaginary animals; 1bell.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; Of extreme emotion

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; Of others approaching

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of hearing bad news; 2calc-p., dros., lyss., nat-p.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of the bed; 2acon., 2ars., bapt., 2camph., cann-s., canth., 2caust., cedr., cent., kali-ar., kali-c., 2lach., lyc., merc., nat-c., squil.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; that someone is behind; anac., brom., crot-c., lach., med.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; being betrayed; hyos.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; being bitten; 2hyos., 2lyss.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; everything black; rob.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of softening of brain; abrot., asaf.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of bright objects, mirrors, etc.; stram.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of becoming a burden; raph.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of being censured; caps.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; during chill; calc., carb-an.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; when ready to go to church or opera; 1arg-n., 2gels.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; on closing eyes; aeth., 2carb-an., 2caust.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of the coal-scuttle; cann-i.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; at thought of sexual intercourse, in women; 2kreos.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of catching cold; nat-c., sulph.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; that people would observe state of confusion; 2calc.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of consumption; 2calc., lac-c., paull., sep., tarent.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; to walk past certain corners; 2arg-n., 2kali-br.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of something creeping out of every corner; med., 2phos.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; in a crowd; 1acon., aloe., am-m., 2arg-n., ars., 2aur., bar-c., bufo., calc., carb-an., caust., cic., con., dios., ferr-ar., ferr-p., ferr., graph., hep., hydr-ac., 2kali-ar., kali-bi., kali-c., kali-p., led., 2lyc., nat-a., nat-c., 2nat-m., 2nux-v., phos., plb., 2puls., rhus-t., sel., stann., sulph., tab., til.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of public places; acon., 2arg-n., 2arn., 1gels.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of cruelty, excited by reports of cruelties; calc.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of impending danger; cimic., ether.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of impending danger; on going to sleep; coff.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; dark; 2acon., am-m., bapt., brom., calc-p., calc-s., 2calc., 2camph., 1cann-i., 2carb-an., 2carb-v., 2caust., 2cupr., 2lyc., 2med., 2phos., 2puls., rhus-t., sanic., 1stram., 2stront., valer.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; on the return of dawn; kali-i.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; Of death

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of being unable to reach destination; lyc.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of being devoured by animals; stram.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; after dinner; mag-m., phel.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of disaster; elat., lil-t., psor., 2puls.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; Of disease

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of downward movement; 2bor., gels.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of being pulled upward; camph.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; fear drives from place to place; meny.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of being drowned; cann-i.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of eating; caust., grat., op., puls., tarent.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; after eating; canth., lach., mag-m., phel., tab.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; when hungry; grat.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; after emission; aloe., carb-an.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; in epilepsy; alum., arg-n.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; in epilepsy; in the morning; alum.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; Of evil

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of exertion; calad., guai., mez., ph-ac., phos., phyt., sul-i., tab., thea.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of exposure, at night in bed; mag-c.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of extravagance; op.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of failure, in business; 2psor.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of fainting; 2arg-n., aster., carb-an., 1lac-c.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; fall upon him, high walls and building; 2arg-n., 2arn.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; Of falling

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of fasting; kreos.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; during fever, while chilly; sulph.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; during fever, while chilly; on going to bed; hura.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; during fever, while chilly; of typhoid; tarent.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; things will catch fire; cupr.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of having a fit; agar., alum., 2arg-n., cann-i., carb-an., nux-m., phos., puls.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; after food; canth., caust., mag-m., phel., tab.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; that a friend has met with accident; ars.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of the gallows; 2bell.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of ghosts; 2acon., 2ars., bell., brom., cann-i., 2carb-v., 2caust., chin-a., chin., cocc., dros., kali-c., 2lyc., 2manc., 2phos., 2plat., 2puls., ran-b., rhus-t., sep., spong., stram., 2sulph., zinc.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of ghosts; evening; brom., lyc., 2puls., ran-b.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of ghosts; night; 2acon., ars., 2carb-v., chin., 2lyc., 2puls., ran-b., 2sulph.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; as if grieving; phos.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; something will happen; alum., 2ars., bufo., cact., 2calc., 2carb-v., 1caust., crot-t., elaps., fl-ac., gels., graph., 2iod., 2kali-ar., 2kali-br., kali-p., 2lil-t., lyc., lyss., mag-c., mang., nat-a., 2nat-m., 2nat-p., nicc., 2onos., 2ph-ac., 1phos., pyrus., stry., tab., thea., 2tub., xan.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; something will happen; fear when alone, relieved by conversation; rat.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; something will happen; better warmth of bed; 2caust., mag-c.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; that health is ruined; chel.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; heart disease; 2aur., bapt., cact., calc., lac-c., lach., 2lil-t., 2spong.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; arising from heart; aur., lyc., meny., merc-c., mez.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; that heart will cease to beat unless constantly on the move; 2gels.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; during heat; acon., 2ars., nux-m., spong.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; high places; 2arg-n., puls., staph., sulph.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; following hurry; benz-ac.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; that husband would not return, that something would happen to him; 2plat.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; imaginary things; ars., 1bell., iod., laur., lyc., merc., 2phos.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of becoming an imbecile; stram.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of being injured; calad., cann-i., hyos., 1stram., 2stry.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of insanity; acon., agar., 2alum., ambr., arg-n., ars-i., ars., bov., bry., calc-s., 1calc., 1cann-i., carb-an., carb-s., 2chel., chlor., 2cimic., cupr., 2dig., gels., 2graph., ign., iod., kali-bi., 2kali-br., 2lac-c., lach., laur., 2lil-t., mag-c., 1manc., merc., merl., mosch., 2nat-m., 2nux-v., 2phos., phys., plat., 1puls., rhod., 2sep., 2stram., sulph., syph., tarent., thuj.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of insanity; night; 2merc., phys.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; that joints are weak; sep.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; jumps out of bed from fears; 2ars.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; jumps out of bed from fears; on touch; bell.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; jumps out of the window from fears; ars.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of killing someone; absin., alumn., am-m., 2ars., der., nux-v., 2rhus-t., sulph., thea.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of killing someone; with a knife; ars., der., 2nux-v.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; during labour; acon., ars., coff., plat.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; after labour; iod.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; when looking in front of her; sulph.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; losing senses; alum., calc., cann-i., carb-an., chlor., stram.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; while lying in bed; kali-c.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; after manual labour; iod.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of taking too much medicine; all-s., iber.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; before period; 2acon., bor., calc., hep., kali-br., mang., plat., sec., sulph., xan.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; during period; acon., con., mag-c., 2nat-m., phos., plat., sec.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; during period; menstrual colic; ant-t.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of mirrors in room; bufo., camph., cann-i., 2canth., 2lyss., 2stram.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; might do mischief, night on waking; 2phys.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; Of misfortune

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; moral deviation alternating with sexual excitement; lil-t.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of being murdered; absin., 2cimic., op., phos., plb., stram.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; from music; dig., 2nat-c.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; in narrow place; acon., 2arg-n., stram., valer.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; after nausea; tab.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; From noise

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of condition being observed; atro., calc., chel.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of occupation; sel.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; to go outdoors; anth.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; Of people

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; when at piano; 2phos.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of pins; 2sil., 2spig.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; poison; of being poisoned; all-s., apis., ars-m., 2bell., bry., cimic., glon., 2hyos., 2kali-br., 2lach., phos., plb., 2rhus-t., verat-v.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; poison; of being poisoned; night; ars-m.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; poison; has been poisoned; glon.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; poverty; ambr., 1bry., 2calc-f., 2calc., chlor., meli., nux-v., 2psor., puls., 2sep., sulph.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; during pregnancy; 2cimic., lyss., stann.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; body will putrefy; bell.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of rain; elaps.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of riding, when in a carriage; 2bor., 2lach., 2psor., 2sep.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of robbers; alum., 2arg-n., 1ars., aur., bell., 2con., elaps., 2ign., 2lach., 2mag-c., mag-m., 2merc., nat-c., 2nat-m., 2phos., sanic., sil., sol-t-ae., sulph., verat., 2zinc.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of robbers; midnight on waking; 2ign., sulph.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; on entering room; alum., lyc., plat., til., 2valer.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of being run over, on going out; anth., hydr-ac., lyss., phos.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; say something wrong; 2lil-t.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; losing self-control; 2arg-n., 2gels., 2staph.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; serious thoughts; crot-h., plat.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; better sitting; iod.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; before sleep; acon., arg-n., calad., calc., carb-v., gels., nat-c., rhus-t., sars.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; he will never sleep again; 2ign.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; to close the eyes lest never wakes; 2aeth.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; to go to sleep; camph., 2lach., led., merc., nat-m., 2nux-m., nux-v., 2rhus-t.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of social position; verat.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of being sold; 2hyos.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; to speak; sep.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; being spoken to; kali-br., sep.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of starving; calc., sulph.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; arising from stomach; asaf., 2aur., bry., 2calc., 2cann-s., canth., 2dig., 2kali-c., 2lyc., 1mez., 2phos., thuj.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; arising from stomach; ulcer; ign.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of suffering; bry., calc., cor-r., der., eup-per., lil-t., pip-m.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; Of suffocation

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; suicide; 2alum., arg-n., 2ars., 2merc., 2nat-s., rhus-t., sep.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; superstitious; rhus-t.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; after supper; caust.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; from pleasant surprises; 2coff.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; as if talking loud would kill her; meli.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; when thinking of disagreeable things; phos.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; when thinking of sad things; rhus-t.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of own thoughts; camph.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; from sensation of swelling of throat; 2glon.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of thunderstorm; bry., gels., hep., lach., 2nat-c., 2nat-m., 2nit-ac., 1phos., 2rhod., 2sep., sulph.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of touch; 2arn., coff., kali-c., lach., tell.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; things of little importance; 2ars., bor., ign., 2kali-c., 2lyc., 2nat-c., 2nat-m.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of imaginary troubles; hydr-ac.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; unaccountable; alco., 2ars.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of undertaking anything; 2arg-n., 2ars., 2lyc.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of being pulled upward; camph.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of vertigo, dizziness; sumb.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; hydrophobia; acet-ac., arg-n., ars., 2bell., calc., cann-i., 2canth., chlol., crot-h., cupr., 2cur., 2hyos., iod., 2lach., 1lyss., merc., 2phel., phos., ran-s., sabad., 1stram., ter., verat.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; after stress; cham.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of using voice; cann-i.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; on waking; 2agn., alum., am-c., aster., 2bell., bism-ox., 2bor., bufo., 2cact., carb-an., cocc., con., hep., ign., iris., lach., lept., 2lyc., mag-s., nat-c., 2nat-m., nat-p., nit-ac., 2nux-v., ph-ac., 2puls., rat., 2sil., 2spong., 2stram., 2sulph., zinc.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; on waking; from a dream; alum., bov., cina., 2lyc., ph-ac., phos., sil.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; on waking; of something under the bed; bell.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of walking; nat-m.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of walking; across busy street; 2acon.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of walking; in the dark; 2carb-s.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; while walking; alum., anac., bar-c., cina., hep., 2lyc., nux-v., staph.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; while walking; in open air; anac., lyc.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; while walking; must tread lightly or will injure himself; cupr.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; warm room; valer.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of water; acet-ac., 2bell., cann-i., canth., cupr., gels., 1hyos., iod., 2lach., 1lyss., nux-v., 2phos., plb., ruta., sabad., 1stram., tarent.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; better weeping; dig., graph., tab.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; fears will wet the bed; alum.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of wind; 2cham.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; work; of dread; 2arg-n., cadm., calc., cham., hyos., ind., 2kali-c., kali-p., kali-s., nat-m., petr., 2puls., ran-b., sanic., sel., 2sil., 2sulph., tab., tarax., tong.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; work; during headache; gran.

Mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; work; of literary work; nux-v., 2sil., sulph.