Repertory listing

Head; pain, headache; Sides

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Head; pain, headache; sides; One side

Head; pain, headache; sides; both sides; all-c., 2alum., asar., bov., 2calc-p., calc-s., carb-an., chin., cor-r., cupr., cycl., dig., dios., euphr., glon., kali-bi., 1kali-i., lyc., mag-c., mag-m., 2merc-c., merc-i-f., mez., ol-an., phos., plat., squil., til.

Head; pain, headache; sides; right then left; arn., bry., colch., cupr., dig., merc-i-r., staph., tax.

Head; pain, headache; sides; right morning, left evening; bov.

Head; pain, headache; sides; Right

Head; pain, headache; sides; Left

Head; pain, headache; sides; daytime; cact., ferr., hydr., mag-m.

Head; pain, headache; sides; Morning

Head; pain, headache; sides; late morning; alum., cact., carb-an., cast., euphr., fl-ac., hydr., indg., jug-c., kalm., lach., nat-m., jug-r., peti., plb., sars., stront., verat.

Head; pain, headache; sides; noon; calc-p.

Head; pain, headache; sides; afternoon; aeth., alum., bry., canth., cast., chin-s., coca., colch., ferr., graph., indg., lach., laur., mag-s., merc-i-r., nat-m., nicc., nit-ac., nux-v., ol-an., 2sep., valer., zinc.

Head; pain, headache; sides; evening; aloe., arg-m., 2ars., bar-c., calc-s., canth., caust., chin-a., chin., dios., elaps., fl-ac., graph., ham., ind., indg., kali-c., kali-n., lyc., lyss., mag-c., mag-m., merc-i-r., mez., nicc., nux-v., pall., phos., 2puls., 2sep., sil., spig., sulph., tab., zinc., zing.

Head; pain, headache; sides; evening; in bed; arg-m., ars., con., plat.

Head; pain, headache; sides; better evening; phos., ptel., sep.

Head; pain, headache; sides; night; acon., cact., 2caust., 2graph., kali-n., mag-c., mez., nat-m., nicc., ol-an., plb., staph., tarent.

Head; pain, headache; sides; night; after midnight; 2thuj.

Head; pain, headache; sides; better night; mag-c.

Head; pain, headache; sides; in open air; fago., fl-ac., mang., mez., 1sep., trom.

Head; pain, headache; sides; better in open air; am-c., carb-an., fago., kali-c., mang., nat-m., phos., rat., 2sep., sulph.

Head; pain, headache; sides; appearing gradually; con.

Head; pain, headache; sides; on climbing steps; hydr.

Head; pain, headache; sides; in bed; ars., iod.

Head; pain, headache; sides; better in bed; tab.

Head; pain, headache; sides; at breakfast; gels.

Head; pain, headache; sides; bright light; cact.

Head; pain, headache; sides; better cold applications; acon., caust.

Head; pain, headache; sides; combing hair; merc-i-f.

Head; pain, headache; sides; on coughing; apis., aur., cimic., dirc., mang., vib.

Head; pain, headache; sides; after dinner; 2form., nit-ac., paeon.

Head; pain, headache; sides; after eating; 2ars., bar-c., bell., calc-s., coc-c., form., ham., kali-c., lach., mag-c., nux-v., paeon., phos., zinc.

Head; pain, headache; sides; better after eating; calc-p., colch., form., nat-m.

Head; pain, headache; sides; like a foreign body in head; 2con.

Head; pain, headache; sides; hammering; iris.

Head; pain, headache; sides; jarring; 1bell., 2lyc., 1spig.

Head; pain, headache; sides; while leaning on the affected side; 2ars., chin.

Head; pain, headache; sides; when looking intently; thuj.

Head; pain, headache; sides; While lying down

Head; pain, headache; sides; While lying down

Head; pain, headache; sides; before period; calc-p., cinnb., puls.

Head; pain, headache; sides; during period; am-m., ars., berb., calc-p., calc., cast., chin., cic., colch., cycl., lob., lyc., mag-c., mag-m., nat-c., nux-v., puls., 2sang., sep., verat.

Head; pain, headache; sides; after period; 2ferr.

Head; pain, headache; sides; mental exertion; hyper., ign., phos.

Head; pain, headache; sides; after drinking milk; 2brom.

Head; pain, headache; sides; On movement

Head; pain, headache; sides; better on movement; 2agar., 2iris.

Head; pain, headache; sides; from noise; cact., manc., phys.

Head; pain, headache; sides; comes on suddenly; acon., 2ars., kali-c., puls., 2sep.

Head; pain, headache; sides; periodic; 2graph., kali-bi.

Head; pain, headache; sides; on pressure; agar., stram.

Head; pain, headache; sides; better pressure; mez., sulph.

Head; pain, headache; sides; pulsating; arg-n., 2ars., bell., 2brom., 2cact., calc-p., carb-ac., con., hura., laur., 2nit-ac., puls., sec., zinc.

Head; pain, headache; sides; while horse riding; naja.

Head; pain, headache; sides; better after rising; carb-v., dig., graph., indg., ol-an., rhod., tab.

Head; pain, headache; sides; room; am-m., 2bov., euphr., 2fl-ac., 1phos., sabad.

Head; pain, headache; sides; better room; mag-s.

Head; pain, headache; sides; better rubbing; chin-a.

Head; pain, headache; sides; sitting; am-m., canth., chin-s., fago., indg., mag-c., nicc., phos., rat., rhod., sulph.

Head; pain, headache; sides; better sitting; ars., calad., con.

Head; pain, headache; sides; worse sneezing; am-m., arn., 1bell., grat., 2spig.

Head; pain, headache; sides; sound of talking; cact.

Head; pain, headache; sides; in small spot; 2kali-bi.

Head; pain, headache; sides; sprained sensation; psor.

Head; pain, headache; sides; while standing; calc., canth., dig., kali-c., mag-c., mang., plb., zinc.

Head; pain, headache; sides; on stepping; calc-p., 2lyc., 1spig.

Head; pain, headache; sides; during stool; 1spig.

Head; pain, headache; sides; worse stooping; alum., ang., calc-ac., caps., chin-s., cor-r., dig., euphr., glon., hep., hipp., indg., laur., phos., puls.

Head; pain, headache; sides; better stooping; dig., iris.

Head; pain, headache; sides; better after supper; sulph.

Head; pain, headache; sides; talking; ign.

Head; pain, headache; sides; worse touch; agar., ang., bor., cupr., dirc., laur., merc-i-f., nit-ac.

Head; pain, headache; sides; better touch; bry., thuj.

Head; pain, headache; sides; turning eye outward; raph.

Head; pain, headache; sides; turning eye to affected side; con.

Head; pain, headache; sides; Walking

Head; pain, headache; sides; wandering pain; nat-s.

Head; pain, headache; sides; better warm applications; lach., 2nux-v.

Head; pain, headache; sides; on entering warm room, from open air; spong.

Head; pain, headache; sides; while writing; gels.

Head; pain, headache; sides; while writing; with head inclined to left; chin-s.

Head; pain, headache; sides; Extending to other parts