Repertory listing

Head; pain, headache; back of head; Sides

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Head; pain, headache; back of head; sides; aesc., all-c., aster., cann-s., cham., 2chel., colch., elaps., 1fl-ac., glon., guai., hyos., ign., ind., kali-bi., kali-n., led., mag-c., mag-s., meph., mez., ol-an., ph-ac., phys., ptel., sep., 2sil., 1stram., sulph.

Head; pain, headache; back of head; sides; right; aesc., aster., cann-s., colch., hep., ign., ind., 2iris., kali-bi., myric., sep., stram.

Head; pain, headache; back of head; sides; right; to left; dig., 2mez., staph.

Head; pain, headache; back of head; sides; right; to left eye; iod.

Head; pain, headache; back of head; sides; left; agar., am-c., cham., 2chel., guai., led., nuph., ol-an., phys., ptel., puls.

Head; pain, headache; back of head; sides; left; to right; squil.

Head; pain, headache; back of head; sides; left; while sitting; 2agar.

Head; pain, headache; back of head; sides; daytime; ph-ac.

Head; pain, headache; back of head; sides; morning; dios., puls.

Head; pain, headache; back of head; sides; late morning; all-c., dios.

Head; pain, headache; back of head; sides; evening, 8 p.m.; stram.

Head; pain, headache; back of head; sides; bending backward; colch.

Head; pain, headache; back of head; sides; better pressure; hyos.

Head; pain, headache; back of head; sides; shaking head; glon.