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Extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; hand; Between index finger and thumb

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Extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; hand; between index finger and thumb; bruc.

Extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; hand; between index finger and thumb; desquamating; am-m.

Extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; hand; between index finger and thumb; herpes; ambr.

Extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; hand; between index finger and thumb; pimples; agar., bry., canth., ham., sulph., thuj.

Extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; hand; between index finger and thumb; pimples; burning on touch; canth.

Extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; hand; between index finger and thumb; pimples; itching; ars., sulph.

Extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; hand; between index finger and thumb; scabs; mur-ac., plb., 2sep., sul-ac., sulph.

Extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; hand; between index finger and thumb; scaly, itching skin disease; lyc., sars., 2sep., sulph.

Extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; hand; between index finger and thumb; syphilitic psoriasis; 2ars., aur., 2merc., phos.

Extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; hand; between index finger and thumb; like nettle rash; acon., apis., berb., cop., hyper., indg., 2sulph., thuj.

Extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; hand; between index finger and thumb; like nettle rash; when hands become cool; thuj.

Extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; hand; between index finger and thumb; Blisters