Repertory listing

Head; skin and scalp; itching; Back of head (occiput)

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Head; skin and scalp; itching; back of head; 2am-c., calc., 2chel., cinnb., fago., kali-c., mez., sars., 2sep., 1sil., 2staph., 1sulph., tell., thuj.

Head; skin and scalp; itching; back of head; morning; 2sulph.

Head; skin and scalp; itching; back of head; evening; sep., 2staph., stront.

Head; skin and scalp; itching; back of head; worse scratching; 2staph.

Head; skin and scalp; itching; back of head; better scratching; chel., ruta.

Head; skin and scalp; itching; back of head; worse warm room; fago., sulph.